Dachshund Waiting List

Dachshund Puppy Waiting List

Priority Waiting List

Our Priority Waiting List is for families who are certain they want a Rockin M Kennel puppy and are willing to wait for their perfect puppy.

A $200 deposit is required to reserve your place in line.  The Waiting List Deposit is Refundable until applied to a Puppy.  Once you have chosen a puppy, the Deposit becomes Non-Refundable.

Picks are chosen in order deposit is received and start once coat types are determined.  You will have 24 hours to either CHOOSE or PASS on a puppy before the pick is given to the next person in line.  

To get on our Priority Waiting List:

1) Signup on the Dachshund Newsletter below.  You will receive an email confirming you have been subscribed.

2) Respond to that email saying you would like to get on our Priority Waiting List.  You will receive an email with our Puppy Application.

3) Fill out the Puppy Application.  If approved, you will receive a Deposit Contract.

4) Complete & Return the Deposit Contract along with your Deposit.

Notification List

Our Notification List is for families who are casually looking and do not have specific preferences.  There is no deposit required to sign up. 

Once the Priority Waiting List has been given a chance to pick a puppy, the Notification List Subscribers will be notified of the remaining Available puppies all at once.  Puppies will then be reserved on a first come first serve basis when the deposit is received.  

To get on our Notification List:

1) Signup on the Dachshund Newsletter below.  You will receive an email confirming you have been subscribed.  

2) Make sure you add our email address to your safe sender list or the email will likely go to Junk Mail and you will miss out on available puppies.

TIPS:  Most, and sometimes all, puppies get reserved by our Priority Waiting List.  If you are looking for Piebald, Dapple, Female or something else that is in high demand, the Priority Waiting List is the place to be. 

Paid Waiting List Reservations

B/T – Black & Tan
C/T – Chocolate & Tan
Blue/T – Blue & Tan
I/T – Isabella & Tan

Approximate Wait Time is 2 – 6 months

Wait Time may be longer for Longhair

1st Pick – F Smooth B/T or C/T Dapple, Dap Pie – Katalin

2nd Pick – F Any Coat & Color Dapple – Annette

3rd Pick – M or F Any Coat C/T I/T Pie, Dapple, Dap Pie – Kayleigh

4th Pick – F Smooth C/T Pie, Dapple, Dap Pie – Taylor

5th Pick – M or F Smooth B/T Pie, Dap Pie – Meredith

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Dachshund Newsletter

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